Natural Disaster Recovery

Natural disasters can disrupt nearly every aspect of day-to-day life.

From the physical integrity of buildings to infrastructure and public services, a natural disaster can have far-reaching implications for drinking water safety in affected communities.

Our team steps in when they impact the water people use every day to drink, bathe, and cook.

Through funded research projects, our team seeks to provide up-to-date, reliable, and accurate information to help community leaders make the best decisions about how to prioritize their recovery.

Each event presents its own challenges to drinking water safety and has very different implications for the communities it strikes.

We are grateful for the opportunity to work with these communities and for the amazing collaborators we have met along the way.

To-date, our team has responded to four natural disaster events:

Louisiana [Great Flood]

Relief funded by an NSF RAPID Grant

Texas [Hurricane Harvey]

Relief funded by an NSF RAPID Grant

Florida [Hurricane Irma]

Relief funded by an NSF RAPID Grant

Puerto Rico [Hurricane Maria]

Relief funded by an NSF RAPID Grant and NSF PIRE

North Carolina [Hurricane Florence]

Relief funded by an NSF RAPID Grant